Monday, October 29, 2012

Blogging Around

iMedia: Orchestral Skrillex by Stephanie

I chose to review Stephanie's post on orchestral Skrillex. This caught my attention because before listening to the song she posted on her blog, I thought that the words "orchestra" and "Skrillex" were on opposite sides of the spectrum. She really does a great job explaining how despite Skrillex's jarring form of dubstep can seem harsh to the ear and more like sounds and mechanical noises than actual music, his tracks (as well as all other dubstep tracks) are definitely music. The song was an orchestral version of a Skrillex song, and it was FANTASTIC! I enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoy the original tracks. This goes to show the amount of work these DJs put into their tracks. Stephanie really did a great job on it!

  1. I completely agree with Stephanie on this one. I myself am a fan of some dubstep, and I thought it was really cool that she explained exactly how dubstep is real music. It definitely is one of the most misunderstood genres. Stephanie explains how complex the making of dubstep is; how you have to add layer after layer after layer of music or sound effect, and then loop it correctly, adjust every single pitch and note, add in vocals or piano, and do a billion other things. The amount of work that these DJs put into each track is simply astounding. She explains that if you replace the harsh, almost mechanical sounds of dubstep with the cello and the bass in an orchestra, the song is still a song. It is still music. YES. I've been waiting for this for months! Never have I heard anything more true. Though of course you'll get the desired effect of dubstep by using huge bass drops and electronic melodies, but musical notes are still musical notes. Pitch is still pitch. Dubstep is just using these devices in a different way. I really enjoyed reading this post, Stephanie!!

iMedia: Flight of the Frenchies by Nonie

I reviewed Nonie's post on Flight of the Frenchies because I was seriously impressed with the video she posted, and even more impressed with her message. The video is essentially about a bunch of French guys who high-line and practically free fall from enormous cliffs. Most think they're crazy, but they love it so they continue to do it. Nonie says that this is how people should think; that people should do what they love to do, no exceptions. It was a great blog post with an awesome message!
  1. What an awesome post. First of all the video is fantastic; it's one of the coolest I've ever seen, actually. But Nonie's comments and observations really made it great. I wholeheartedly agree with her idea that we should just do it, even if it's scary. To me, that's an amazing way to live. To live every day doing what you love, and taking risks for that thing that you love, is a life that is really worthwhile and meaningful, as well as one full of action and fun. These guys in the video risk their lives doing what they love to do--and that's jumping off a cliff. It may seem crazy, but as Nonie said, "People should be doing the things they love because they love it, and for no other reason at all." Great post, Nonie!
Also read: Sebas's Blog (One of the funniest blogs I have ever read!)
                 Ruhi's Blog (I enjoy everything about these blog posts. They're all so well thought out and in-depth!)
                 Ruxi's Blog (I can hear Ruxi speaking whenever I read her posts. Great voice, and supremely interesting blog posts!)

Emily von Horvath

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