Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogging Around

The first blog I read tonight was the amazing Eliana's. The first post that caught my eye was her metacognition post about her poem. In this post, she outlines the creative troubles she had while writing her poem, and how she eventually overcame them by getting inspiration from her iPod and rolling with it. 
Hey Eliana. I really loved your process of thinking about your poem, especially your method of finding a theme. I totally agree with you when you say that it's easy to write a poem about a sappy love story or life or death, but it's hard to write about something that is actually interesting and can come out a real poem. I had a lot of trouble finding a theme for my own poem, so I totally understand how hard the thinking process was for you. I think you did your poem very well, and that it was both interesting and well-written, as well as having really nice elements of comedy, but also very serious moments, I was completely immersed in it. So even though you may think that using your iPod as a crutch is bad thing, and it can be sometimes, I think it's great that you at least you have one thing that you know works for you! Nice job!

The second bog I read was fantabulous Ruxi's. I've always been a huge fan of her writing style, and her poetry metacognition didn't fail to disappoint. Her poem was essentially set in an imaginary scene in Europe, hence her title, "Imagining History". 
  1. First of all--I loved your poem. It was well-written, interesting, beautiful, and it really reflected you. I'm glad that you chose a subject that you were so interesting in and passionate about. I personally think that is the key to successful writing. I too have perpetual writing block, so I completely get where you're coming from. But the subject you decided on was so interesting! I know how much you love European history, so it's awesome that you could capitalize on that and make an awesome poem. You were funny, honest, and true to yourself when writing your poem and your blog, and that's pretty damn cool.
    Other blogs I checked out were:
    They were all great!

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