Friday, March 22, 2013

Metacognition: Writing My Short Story

When I started writing my short story, it was 1AM on a Monday. At the time, I was tired, bored out of my mind, sick, and didn't really want to do the assignment at all. I kept trying to find "rich ideas" or whatever, but I couldn't formulate anything worth turning in. At 5AM, I finally decided to write out one of my better prompts and go with it. I didn't edit or formulate. I didn't even look at the rubric. I just wrote.

So, I turned that one in and forgot about it. I wasn't exactly thrilled about doing it. I generally like story writing, but I couldn't find a muse with this specific assignment, so writing it wasn't fun for me at all. I was just disappointed with it. When draft two came back, I still didn't really know what to do with it. I kind of messed with the end and added dialogue, but that's it. 

Step three brought about the biggest change. I actually had a story going on, at least, even if I didn't like it. It had a general flow, a main character, a setting, and actual dialogue and a sloppy plot. I still wasn't proud of it, but it was all I could bring myself to do. I contemplated rewriting it or completely starting over with a new story, but procrastination mixed with actual lack of time had me trying desperately to fix the original.

Step four was important too. I rewrote a lot of it, added some dialogue and such. I tried developing the characters, but I don't think it came through. In step five, I rewrote nearly everything: new dialogue, new characterization, a new addition to the plot. I was happy at least that it was a story. I wasn't really that happy with it, but it had to do. 

Today's blog post is short because I don't have much to say about this assignment. I think I did alright, but I lacked inspiration for the majority of it, so I don't consider it good work of mine at all. I do like my voice, and I think it comes through in places, but I really believe that the story itself is cliché, uninspired, and boring. My one highlight was planning out my characters. Both were semi-based on people I know with a couple characteristics of myself, so I grew pretty fond of them even if my plot sucked. 

That's all. I apologize for the abruptness of the blog, but I really don't have much else to say about it. 

GIFS of my working process:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

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